Feeling Overwhelmed is NOT a God-given feeling…

the enemy would love for us to feel overwhelmed – DAILY- about our homes, our workload, our health, our goals, our past, our progress…

Yesterday I woke in the middle of the early morning hours, unable to go back to sleep so I started praying for ladies in my homemakers group, and the new ones that will be a part soon.

I prayed for loved ones & friends who are fighting for their lives with covid & I prayed for the new school year concerns of my little family …

I got up and started looking up verses on PEACE and this one stood out to me because I basically forgot it was a verse!!

I remember Corrie Ten Boom making Psalm 32:7 her key verse of prayer & promise when she was in the concentration camps. (Read her amazing book “The Hiding Place”) 😊

This verse, “You are my HIDING PLACE; You will PROTECT me from trouble and SURROUND me with songs of DELIVERANCE.” (I love capping the words that stand out to me! 😉 let your mind dwell & think about what each capitalized word means to you.

I am SO thankful for this reminder that we can REST today in that our Good GOOD Father will PROTECT us from trouble & more trouble even when we feel like we are in the midst of troubles!! I’m thankful for the “surround sound” of songs, of blessings, of scripture and of prayer that we can CHOOSE to fill our day with!

Just knowing that He has an escape plan in mind for us is enough to Rest our weary minds & hearts from the overwhelming thoughts & fears the enemy would love to keep us dwelling on!

The verse says “He WILL surround you with songs of deliverance” – so smile and wait for it if it hasn’t come yet. Let your spirit be AT PEACE. 💚

🙏🏽If you enjoy these

ThursdayThoughts & #homemakersprayers;

Then visit 👇🏽
https://creative-clean-living.now.site/home ->

HOME tab for Early Bird specials in the Homemakers Creative CleanOuts group. We are welcoming new Homemakers for Door Opening
Monday 8/16 and would love to have you a part of our community 💚

Make today a Creative Clean one!

ArleneBooth- LenaB 🤗

A Homemakers Prayer


It’s July 1st. How are you feeling about summer?

Maybe you are Refreshed and Energized.. Your home has everything in its place. You love your job as a homemaker and love your part/full time streams of income you work hard to pull in.

You feed your family healthy meals & pay the bills…you have confidence there is a bright future because you are the Kings Daughter 👸🏼👸🏾

Or maybe you are feeling Overwhelmed with tasks at home.
Do you feel like you need a peaceful few days without the children, maybe secretly wishing they were back in school because every where you turn they mess up what you cleaned up and you’re constantly teaching them the value of their home yet you feel conflicted because you know you only have a few short summers till they grow up and leave the nest…

Maybe you wish you had a Fairy maid to do all your tasks so that you could just have more fun and play with your children 24/7 doing creative things like they want you to… 🧚🏽‍♀️

Believe it or not, I have understood ALL of the above emotions at different times 😅 so if you do too, guess what, you’re not alone! 🤗

Phillippiand 4:19 says “My God will meet all your needs. He will meet them in keeping with His wonderful riches. These riches come to you because you belong to Christ Jesus.”

So do you BELONG to Him? Have you given Him your heart? Has He forgiven you of your sins and things that you Know in your heart and conscience that would separate you from Him if you were to leave this earth today?

Life is so fleeting! Hearing of the collapsed apartment building in Miami last month, was so heartbreaking! I imagined that mama who was combing her child’s hair. That homemaker who was sweeping her floor. That teenager that was surfing the web watching things they shouldn’t have… we just never know when is our LAST BREATH of life to live.

Having that “Belonging feeling” from the God that created us is Priceless!!!

Understanding that “belongingness” is a PEACE that He lets us FEEL when we know our sins are forgiven and we are surrendered to His design & purpose for our lives – THAT is PRICELESS!!!

Do you have that peace? Don’t trade it in for trite things that don’t matter. (That will be another blog post) ❤️

So here’s our Homemaker challenge for today’s living:

Put your day in His Hands. Cast All your ‘needs’ at His feet.

How do you actually DO THAT?

Try this:

1. Journal down a list a “cares” that are bogging you down, overwhelming you or causing you to stress.

2. PRAY over it. Ask Gods forgiveness over the things that you know are wrong in your life. Ask God to take it all. 🙌🏼 He may not take it AWAY – (especially if it’s a tangible task like a messy kids closet that needs cleaned out!! 😬) but we can ask Him to give US strength to DO what’s on our list.

3. When your heart feels clean and refreshed (and it’s ok to cry it out too while you talk to him! He sees your tears and cares – plus tears are a way of refreshing)

4. So Rise Up beautiful Homemaker! Go DO one ☝️ thing with His presence surrounding you with strength. Turn on some praise music on the radio, cd or YouTube.

5. Stay Focused so you can cross that project or task off your list of cares…

6. Smile & Celebrate with a happy dance ( or fruit smoothie or ice cream) knowing God helped YOU get Creative and Live Clean TODAY!!

He knows what you NEED. If this post was something you needed to hear today, please leave me a comment below or share this blog with another homemaker friend. I love to hear your feedback & do reply!

It’s my desire to encourage women to keep on being creative in the everyday moments of living clean so that we can see Jesus’ face one day and hear him say “Well done my creative servant daughter. You were faithful when it was challenging . You were brave when it was scary. You were a warrior Princess when it was worth fighting. You loved as I loved. Well done.”

I’m praying you feel a place of validation & belonging. You are worth fighting for.

Xoxo LenaB

#Real Talk: I’m not that great with consistency in some areas of sharing Creative Clean Living on all the social platforms but I’m learning so much lately about the tech stuff. Id love if you would Check out my new website & Join my Mailing List for Homemakers: https://creative-clean-living.now.site/home Two are better than One! So maybe together we can accomplish more as a Homemaker! ❤️

Rewards & the Rewarder

What do you do when you’ve cleaned the whole house? When you’ve decorated the tree. When you’ve remodeled and it’s COMPLETE!? 😅👏👏

I love rewards and incentives. My kids do too! Even if it’s A big hug from my daughters thanking me for helping them do a much needed bedroom toy/clothing purge!! (Which has been SO needed lately 🤪)
This mama loves the de-cluttered feeling I get in my mind when something is finished and find a little joy of crossing it OFF a List! 🤩

November is the known “month of thanks” ~ although we should have a heart of gratefulness all throughout the year – even a “Rona year!!” Lol

But today’s verse brought light on the fact that I’m so thankful I have a Heavenly Father who truly exists!! I believe this NOT because of the REWARDS He gives me FOR believing Him, but because believing Him opens my eyes to His rewards we call blessings in this life.

The greatest reward will be Seeing Him face to face one day, and hearing him say ‘Well done my daughter” and feeling his strong arms embrace me. That is a reward I’m looking forward to one day! 🤗

Need a Creative Conversation for the Kids?
1. At dinner time, read this verse from Hebrews 11:6
2. Ask the children some of these questions to get the conversation started about God: How Do you know God exists? How do you feel Him in your day? How do you see Him around you? What Is the 5 letter word We should have that makes God happy? What does Faith mean? Google “Faith”. What kind of Rewards do you like at school, & at home? So what kind of rewards has God already given you? What rewards do you look forward to receiving from God one day? Write some down on a family chalkboard and see if any come true one month later.

Comment below how your family Creative Conversations went 🙂 I’d Love to hear your stories!

Do you STUFF stuff?

87BE30E0-A4F1-4308-B482-5A36CFD044DFBelieve it or not, STUFFING stuff could reflect how CLEAN we are on the inside.

“If you kids don’t get your room cleaned up you’re not going to XYZ!”

If I had $5 for every time I said that to my girls, I’d be Retired!  And yet, when I go to their room after they INSISTED everything is picked up…. it APPEARS everything is good on the outside.. but once I open that closet door, drawers, or under bed.. I’m sure we’ve all found the same horrors greeting us! THE STUFF STUFFED!!!

If you’ve never done the “Quick Clean” because you Just found out a couple minutes ago that a guest is arriving or your parents are popping over… then this blog might not be for you! Because although I love nothing more than perfectionism and having a place for everything, I know I’M NOT PERFECT and I won’t judge a single man or woman who isn’t. I get it! Life is crazy busy!

But what does Matthew 6:33 tell us.. “Seek First the Kingdom of God and HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS and ALL these things will be added unto you…”

I Wish that meant…’ok so if I spend my morning time with God and I put him first then I don’t have to clean my house. He will have angels come and knock on my door and they will do all of my work for me so I can use my time to dwell at His feet eating chocolates.’ 😂

Unfortunately that has NOT happened for me yet 😂But What HAS HAPPENED is; I have more patience with my children when I see they’ve stuffed stuff into their closet! I see my blood does not run as hot when I discover My 4 yr old has been experimenting and has cookie crumbs and juice in her play kitchen sink where swarms of ants have gathered for the feast!  Lord help us!!!

When I have taken time to Be in the presence of King Jesus 1st, even if it’s listening to the Bible app scripture audio instead of music while doing my hair before rushing out the door, ~ or Talking to Him to invite Him to sit next to me in the car & Be Present with me in every encounter He knows will take place today. It is then that I notice HIS PRESENCE IS CLEANING THE LESS OBVIOUS PLACES of my Heart and Soul and setting the pace for a Cleaner Day of Living!

Try it & tell me about your experience 👇🏾

Are you a daily devo pro or saint? Tell us a tip that’s helped you when your house has a buzzing daily schedule! ❤️